Provincial Councils on Credit Transfer Expand Agreement to Enhance Student Mobility across Canada

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Provincial Councils on Credit Transfer Expand Agreement to Enhance Student Mobility across Canada

TORONTO – The provincial councils responsible for facilitating credit transfer activities across Canada are signing an expanded Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to enhance student mobility across their jurisdictions and across the country.

The signing of the MoU was celebrated at the PCCAT’s Annual Conference, where pathway initiatives and research, and ongoing collaborations among postsecondary institutions, were honoured as part of Canada’s 150th anniversary.

Seven provincial councils are now signatories to an MoU that formalizes efforts to further develop student pathways and reduce barriers for students who wish to transfer among Canadian colleges and universities. They include the:

  • Alberta Council on Admissions and Transfer (ACAT),
  • British Columbia Council on Admissions and Transfer (BCCAT),
  • Council on Articulations and Transfer of New Brunswick (CATNB),
  • Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer (ONCAT),
  • Campus Manitoba (CMB),
  • Saskatchewan Transfer Credit and Learning Pathways Council (STCLPC), and
  • Nova Scotia Council on Admission and Transfer (NSCAT).

The MoU emphasizes the leadership role of the provincial councils in creating partnerships across the country to expand transfer opportunities for students and develop joint research projects for the benefit of the post-secondary community. The long-term goal is to establish a shared database so students in any jurisdiction can search for post-secondary educational opportunities beyond their home province.

Through the MoU, the provincial councils will be able to support the development of an effective and efficient credit transfer system that will span the entire country, expanding opportunities for students nationwide.