St. Thomas University is an undergraduate university, located in Fredericton, that offers Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Applied Arts, Bachelor of Social Work and Bachelor of Education degrees.
It has an enrollment of 2,500 students and more than 200 full-time and part-time faculty members who are distinguished teachers, researchers and scholars. The university holds four Canada Research Chairs and is home to a number of specialized research centres and publications/journals.
St. Thomas University offers more than 30 academic disciplines -- from traditional liberal arts disciplines such as English, Philosophy, History and Languages, to newer programs in Journalism, Human Rights, Criminology, Environment and Society, Native Studies, Great Books and Fine Arts.
Graduates include Rhodes Scholars, a prime minister, a premier and award-winning authors, as well as thousands of others who have contributed to society through careers in academia, medicine, government, journalism, education and social work.
To find out more about St. Thomas University, please contact admissions@stu.ca or call (506) 452-0532. You can also find us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/StThomasUCanada
Our address
51 Dineen Drive
Fredericton, NB
E3B 5G3