Choose to study in New Brunswick
With 8 institutions across multiple campuses and communities, the right campus and the right program are close to you.
Studying in New Brunswick means receiving an education of the highest academic quality in one of the country’s most beautiful provinces, that will let you go anywhere in the world!

Recognition of Prior Learning (PLAR)

What is PLAR?
PLAR is Prior Learning And Recognition and acknowledges the learning that you’ve done outside the typical classroom. Do you have skills and knowledge from past work experience? Volunteering? Traveling? If so, PLAR may be a great choice to continue your journey.

NB PLAR Awards Program
Do you know a person who has made an outstanding contribution in the field of prior learning assessment and recognition? Nominate them for an award to celebrate learning within the province!
Latest news

Are you a post-secondary leader and looking to connect with colleagues, best-practices, and excellence in higher education? CampusNB’s biennial symposium is a great way to connect with the best in learning and learning mobility.